Soft Tissue Surgery

Surgery For Your Pet’s Optimal Health

Non-Orthopedic treatments and procedures

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About Soft Tissue Surgery

This is any surgery not related to bones or joints. It can be routine elective procedures such as neuters and spays to much more complicated intra-abdominal surgeries. Our veterinary personnel does a careful evaluation that determines whether or not your pet requires soft tissue surgery. We strive to make your pet’s procedure as safe and comfortable as possible before, during, and after the surgery. Our veterinarians use the safest and most effective anesthesia during soft tissue surgery to manage your pet’s pain. We will closely monitor your pet’s vitals throughout the process.


Why Choose Soft Tissue Surgery

There are numerous reasons why your pet may require soft tissue surgery, such as tumors, trauma, or congenital defects. Our experienced veterinarians are highly trained in performing various soft tissue surgeries for dogs, cats, and small animals.

One of the most significant benefits of soft tissue surgery is the potential for curing or improving a wide range of conditions. Many soft tissue issues, such as tumors or foreign bodies, can be easily removed through surgery, providing your pet with relief from discomfort and potentially saving their life.

In addition to treating specific conditions, soft tissue surgery can also improve your pet's overall quality of life. For example, if your pet has trouble breathing due to a condition like laryngeal paralysis, surgery can significantly improve their ability to breathe and lead a more comfortable life.

Contact Us to Schedule an Appointment

At Tillema Veterinary Clinic, our team is dedicated to providing top-quality care and treatments to pets in Corona and the surrounding areas. Get started with your pet’s soft tissue surgery by scheduling an appointment with us today.

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